This small gallery is devoted to an area of advertising that I enjoy very much, namely advertising signs. Whether the signs are displayed in a store’s front window, free-standing on the showroom floor, or strategically placed on a counter, they are designed to catch the eye or the attention of a potential customer. They typically present bright, bold, and colorful images. Their message proudly informs the viewer of things like a new style, color, feature or low…low price. Sometimes, companies will give the signs to the store owner to enhance the showroom. There are times, however, when the store owner must purchase advertising signs in order to make a special display or to get a particular message across to the clientele. I am always looking for vacuum cleaner advertising and surprised by how much is still available. Enjoy the examples I have chosen for today. I will post new pieces periodically, so check back from time to time, or consult the “Vac-zine” for updates.